Situation Analysis

Complete the situation analysis in your book. Make sure you enter it online.  The situation analysis is in your books but can also be found online.  You must enter the data online, even if you do it in the book.  You may do this part together with your teammates in class.

You will use the information from the situation analysis throughout the simulation.  Keep it.  It will be very useful when making decisions.


Marketing Perceptual Map

Create a perceptual map for the movie market.

Rehearsal Simulation

Please note that this Solo Rehearsal Simulation is different than the simulation you will be running in the Practice and Competition Rounds. This exercise is done on your own. You will be in charge of the Andrews Company.

This assignment will give you a hands-on introduction to the functional areas of the simulation. At the end, you should have an understanding of the decisions required in each area (Research & Development, Marketing, Production, and Finance), and the interactions among them.

Complete the Rehearsal tab listed under the Getting Started section.  This will walk you through all the steps that you will perform later as a team.

You must process all rounds and get data for all rounds.  That is how I will be able to tell that you have completed the rehearsal simulation.
