Week 11
Trees – continued (chapt. 10, very high level)
- Heaps
- Binary tree with 2 rules
- Data in a node is >= Data in its children
- It is a complete binary tree
- Priority queue example
- Implement as an array
- Insertion
- Insert at the bottom in first open space
- Swap with parent until in right place
- Could also put at top and swap downward
- Deletion
- Delete at the top because it’s the highest
- Move ‘last’ item in complete binary tree to top
- Swap down with children until in right place
- B-Trees
- Complete rules in text:
- More complicated
- Objective is finding data fast
- Used in database construction
- Worst case times for add, remove and search are O(d)
where d= depth of tree
General Objects
- Graphs
- Definitions
- nodes/verticies, edges, paths,
- network (costs associated with
each edge)
- inheritance, inheritance hierarchy,
- Implementation
- Traversal
- depth-first
- breath-first
- potential problem - looping
- Circular lists
- End points to the front
- Need only one pointer, rear
- Lists of queues, queues of stacks, etc.
- ·Give switching system example
- System
- Bays
- Shelves
- Packs with states
- Hamburger joint
- Multiple registers
- Multiple displays
- Hospital
- Patients
- Rooms
- Wards
- Doctors
- Administrators
- Have them pick an application and discuss
File I/O
Reading and writing from a file
fileIn = new FileReader(<filename>);
input = new BufferedReader(fileIn);
// to read the
next integer
int n =
// to read a
String line =
// to throw
away the rest of an input line and go to the next line