Week 4


Return Quizzes


Collect Homework 2.

·        Discuss it.

·        Have someone show working version.



·        Using HW2



Chapter 4 – Linked lists

·        What is a linked list?  Draw one.

·        found in real world, similar usage to arrays

.      discuss ADTs

        .   example of bags using arrays and linked lists

·        Show in Java

public class Node


      private int data;

      private Node next;     // in book called “link”


·        Head and tail nodes, references, why you need them

Node head;

Node tail;

·        The null reference

·        Manipulating nodes

·        constructor (may or may not create a node)

·        getting and setting data and link of a node

·        public vs. private members – semi-religious

·        adding a node at the head

newnode.next = head;

head = newnode;

·        removing a node at the head

head = head.next

·        discuss garbage collection from the heap from objects with no references

·        adding a node not at the head (add node after)

newnode.next = current.next

current.next = newnode;

·        removing a node not at the head

next = next.next;

·        “traversing” a list

for(cursor = head; cursor != null; cursor=cursor.next)



cursor = head;

while (cursor != null)



            cursor = cursor.next;


·        searching for an item in a list

·        traverse the list, test for value, return cursor or null

·        copying a list

·        reversing a list



Pick the data structure that matches the environment being modeled!


·        images import java.awt.Image;

import java.awt.Grapics;


private Image im;


public void init()


            URL codebase = getCodeBase();

im = getImage(<URL>, “<graphic>.gif);  // can URL be a local

       //  file? and string?



public void paint(Graphics g)


            g.drawImage(im, 0, 0);




Project 3