public class AsteriskFractal

    // main
    // Program will call a recursive method with two parameters, the number of
    // spaces to indent and the length of the middle line
    public static void main(String args[])
    } // end main

    // printFractal
    // Inputs: indent - number of spaces the fractal should be indented
    //              lineLength - the number of '*'s to put on the middle line
    // Algorithm: this is a recursive function that basically divides the problem
    // into draw the top half, draw the line, draw the bottom half.  The recursion
    // stops when there is nothing to draw (lineLength == 0)
    public static void printFractal(int indent, int lineLength)
        // recursion end condition
        if (lineLength==0)

        // print the top fractal
        // it is half as long
        printFractal(indent, lineLength/2);

        // indent the required number of spaces before drawing the line
        for (int numSpaces = 0; numSpaces < indent;  numSpaces++)
            System.out.print(" ");

        // draw the middle line or star
        for (int numStars = 0; numStars < lineLength;  numStars++)

        // draw the bottom fractal
        // it is half as long and indented halfway
        printFractal(indent+lineLength/2, lineLength/2);
} // end AsteriskFractal