Personal Finance 2
You will have $100,000 to invest in each of your portfolios.
For each portfolio, create a column for the number of shares of each stock you will buy, a column for the stock price, and a column for the total cost. The total of the column for your portfolio should equal $100,000. You may use fractional shares, such as 123.7 shares, to make your total $100,000.
I also want you to create a third portfolio with only one investment, VFINX. Invest $100,000 in this portfolio also.
When you are done you will have three portfolios you are investing in: winners, losers, and VFINX, each with $100,000 in them. *** Think ahead! You know I will be wanting you to track these going forward so give some (a lot of) thought to how you are setting up your spreadsheet. You want to make future changes easily. You should update your portfolio value weekly (same day every week).
1. Excel workbook with updated portfolios.