of Finance
NOTE: What to do if you miss a class.
Papers you write should be in the format of this template. Make sure your references are cited properly and follow these guidelines. NOTE: you should have both a citing in the text and a Works Cited page.
Guide for how to do well in this course.
Never send email like this. A guide for sending professors email.
Get in the habit of reading The Wall Street Journal. For quick news, try CNN/Money. To learn more about investing go to Vanguard. You should also listen to Bloomberg radio 1130 AM or the business news on 880 AM at 25 minutes and 55 minutes after the hour. On TV, try CNBC or Bloomberg TV.
Financial information on companies can be found at Bloomberg, Google, and Yahoo.
There are many jobs and internships available. Go to the RVCC Internship web pages.
* Personality Profile and careers
* Choosing a careerReading List
If you are interested in investing, here are books you should consider reading:
If You Can: How Millennials Can Get Rich Slowly: William J Bernstein
Elements of Investing: Burton G. Malkiel: ISBN: 9781118484876
The Millionaire Next Door: Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko
A Random Walk Down Wall Street: Burton G. Malkiel: ISBN: 0393325350
Fooled By Randomness: Nassim Taleb: ISBN 0812975219
Bill Gross On Investing: William Gross: ISBN 0-471-28325-8.
Against the Gods: Peter L. Bernstein: ISBN 0471295639